3 Search Terms I Always Use on Vestiaire Collective
All the pieces I'd rather shop than the F/W 2025 collections
Over the past few years, I’ve grown very fatigued with Fashion Month as well as all the content surrounding it. Instead, I love spending time browsing old collections on Pinterest and then spending hours hunting for those pieces on Vestiaire Collective. Because honestly, there’s nothing as exhilarating as scoring big on a vintage piece from one of your favorite designers.
As a little palate cleanser to all the Fashion Week content out there, here are the three search terms I use every time I browse on Vestiaire Collective:
‘90s Prada
Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to source a handful of ‘90s Prada pieces. One of these was a Linea Rossa scuba trapeze bag for—get this—$29.21!!!! Ever scoring this bag, I’ve been obsessed with hunting for ‘90s Prada online. In my experience, the best deals are always under the skirt-, bag-, and shoe categories as well as under the Prada Sport line.
Search “90s Prada” / “Prada” + “90s” (/any given collection you’re particularly hooked on). For some reason, those are the only two methods that yield results for me.
Old Céline

We are many who still lust after Old Céline pieces. (Back then, it was Céline with an accent aigu.) There are Instagram accounts dedicated to this era of Celine with thousands of followers (@oldceline, @shopoldceline, and @thearchivedotcom), and when Phoebe Philo announced the launch of her own brand, the search term “Old Céline” saw a surge of 70 percent on eBay. Hence, Old Céline pieces tend to go pretty fast. I’ve always found it difficult to find them at an affordable price range, but I did manage to find a few pieces below $270:
Search “Phoebe Philo” then click “Celine” under brands in the sidebar. (Or scroll through this on this curated list.)

Tom Ford Era Gucci

Nothing hits the spot quite like Tom Ford-era Gucci. I’m always looking to add to my collection of coveted pieces and find that the best deals can be found on Vestiaire Collective. A lot of these pieces are sold for insanely high prices, but non-runway pieces tend to be pretty affordable. Check out this guide on Vogue for some insider tips on sourcing Tom Ford-era Gucci.
Search “Tom Ford” then click “Gucci” under brands in the sidebar.

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